The Gallo Gives Foundation Awards $15,000 In Community Donations
As part of its continual effort to make a difference in the community in which it lives and serves, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Gallo Realty’s Gallo Gives Foundation awarded its 2020 third-quarter donations to Lighthouse for Broken Wings, Zo・Ministries, Nemours Fund for Children’s Health, Cape Henlopen Senior Center, Boardwalk Buddy Walk Fund, Cape Community Fund, New Life Thrift Shop, Special Olympics Delaware, Developing Artist Collaboration, and the Food Bank of Delaware. The total donated this quarter was $14,000.00. An additional $1,000 completed a 5-year pledge to Special Olympics Delaware.
$2,000.00 was presented to the Lighthouse for Broken Wings. The organization is a nonprofit that works with the homeless, and it continues to increase its impact in Eastern Sussex County. Founded three years ago by a nurse, Lighthouse for Broken Wings is a program designed to help people experiencing homelessness get back on their feet and integrate back into society. Personal counseling, lifestyle and health coaching, and community service are some of the program components. Lighthouse volunteers work with each individual until they can support themselves and be autonomous. To help support this cause, contact Toni Short at [email protected]
$2,000.00 was awarded to Zo・Ministries, Inc. The funds are specifically for the residential aftercare of Hannah’s House. The mission of Zo・Ministries is to provide safety, healing, and advocacy in Delaware for those impacted or potentially impacted by sex trafficking. Zoë Ministries will be opening a safe home in 2021 for juvenile female sex-trafficking survivors, ages 12-17 years. Situated in an undisclosed location for long-term residential living and care, each resident will have a case plan with wrap-around services to meet her needs. Every case plan will include individualized therapy and trauma counseling, equine therapy and mentorship, medical services, education, legal aid, employment and life skills, and spiritual studies if desired. To assist or learn more about this cause, visit
$2,000 was dedicated to Nemours Fund for Children’s Health, for their new Milford location. The Fund builds and nurtures relationships with individuals and organizations that wish to advance the mission of Nemours through philanthropy. Thanks to the generosity of the founder, Alfred I. duPont, 100% of every contribution goes to support patient care, biomedical research, and prevention and education initiatives. To contribute, or learn more about Nemours, visit
$2,000 was given to the Cape Henlopen Senior Center Inc. The mission of the Cape Henlopen Senior Center is to enhance the quality of life of the area senior citizens by adding life to years and years to life. Within the Rehoboth, Lewes, and surrounding areas, the senior population is growing. The membership now exceeds 1200 members. To benefit the Senior Center visit,
$2,000.00 was donated to the Boardwalk Buddy Walk Fund. The Boardwalk Buddy Walk was established to create a community where people with Down Syndrome, or any cognitive disorder, can live, learn, work, and play. Each year supporters walk the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk to raise awareness of the special qualities of individuals with Down syndrome and the need to include them in the communities. To help with the annual walk or learn more about the organization, visit
$1,000 was delivered to the Cape Community Fund. In 2014, members of the Lewes High School Class of 1969 became aware of a classmate suffering from a prolonged illness which led to a catastrophic financial situation. Recognizing this need, members came together to raise funds to assist their former classmates. As a result of that one case, awareness was acknowledged for the need to assist others in times of crisis within the local community. This led to the formation of the all-volunteer organization. To learn more about the group’s efforts visit,
$1,000 was granted to the New Life Thrift Shop. The New Life Thrift Shop is a major source of funding for the Lewes Rehoboth Association of Churches (L.R.A.C.), a charitable organization that gives 100% back to the community. L.R.A.C. is a voluntary collaboration of Churches in and around Rehoboth Beach and Lewes, Delaware. To learn more about the shop and donate, visit
$500 was awarded to the Food Bank of Delaware. Their mission is to provide nutritious foods to Delawareans in need and facilitate long-term solutions to the problems of hunger and poverty through community education and advocacy. They work to achieve this by providing low- and no-cost food to qualified feeding programs throughout the greater Delaware region; informing the greater Delaware community about hunger issues and food security; mobilizing support for anti-hunger efforts; training and empowering under- and unemployed individuals to fill needed positions within the food service, warehousing/logistics, and agricultural industries; and developing and implementing statewide nutrition programs to assist low-income families, individuals and children. To support the Food Bank of Delaware, visit
Lastly, $500.00 was delivered to the Developing Artist Collaboration. The donation was allocated to the Sip n’ Shop event which is a pop-up holiday happening in Dewey Beach. The group is a non-profit that partners their artists and volunteers with schools and at-risk groups to create art therapy initiatives as well as murals and beautification projects. They give their artists resources, career-building tools, and an innovative space dedicated to collaboration. Their purpose is not to serve a population, but to serve a community. To learn more about their passion and donate to their organization, visit
About the Gallo Gives Foundation
The Gallo Gives Foundation is the charitable arm of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Gallo Realty. The foundation is managed by the Greater Lewes Foundation. Most of the funds are contributed by the agents and staff of Gallo Realty, and the company matches all contributions from its staff 100%. Established in 2016, the Gallo Gives Foundation has donated over $165,000 to local and worldwide charitable organizations. If you would like to contribute to the foundation, or request a grant, please contact Andrew Ratner at 302-227-6101 or email [email protected]. Visit for more details about the foundation.
About BHHS
Gallo RealtyBerkshire Hathaway HomeServices Gallo Realty is an award-winning, full-service real estate firm that has been serving the resort region since 1979. The firm has four main offices, located in Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, and Bethany Beach. Visit for details.
About BHHS Gallo Realty
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Gallo Realty is an award-winning, full-service real estate firm that has been serving the resort region since 1979. The firm has four main offices, located in Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, and Bethany Beach. Visit for details. About Berkshire Hathaway, HomeServicesBerkshire Hathaway HomeServices, based in Irvine, CA, is a brand-new real estate brokerage network built for a new era in residential real estate. The network, among the few organizations entrusted to use the world-renowned Berkshire Hathaway name, brings to the real estate market a definitive mark of trust, integrity, stability, and longevity. Visit for details. About HSF Affiliates LLCHSF Affiliates LLC, based in Irvine, CA is a joint venture of which HomeServices of America, Inc., the nation’s second-largest, full-service residential brokerage firm, is a majority owner. HomeServices of America is an affiliate of world-renowned Berkshire Hathaway Inc.