2025 Job Fair at Indian River High School Scheduled for February 25th

In partnership with the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce, the 2025 Job Fair at Indian River High School is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th! The event will be open to the public and held in the Indian River High School gymnasium from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. In the event of inclement weather, the Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, February 26th.

The purposed of the Job Fair is to connect the business community to an available workforce in both the school and community at large, creating relationships and opportunities for all present. Business registration is open now through Tuesday, February 18th! Businesses that register before the end of day on Friday, January 31st, will receive a discounted registration rate. Registration fees directly support the college and career office at Indian River High School, and public attendance to the Job Fair is free! In 2024 there were over 40 businesses represented onsite. For a list of participating businesses as they register, visit bethany-fenwick.org.

To register as a participating business or for more information on the event, visit www.bethany-fenwick.org, email [email protected], or call the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber at (302) 539-2100.